Friday, July 2, 2010

What do you seek? – Knowledge or Ignorance?

What do you seek? – Knowledge or Ignorance?

A teacher faces many questions in a classroom. If we look at the intention behind the questions, basically they are of two types.
The first one is from a kind of student who is unable to move ahead on some topic and seeks the help of the teacher. He genuinely needs to understand the right answer. He happens to be the one who wants to be convinced and is just waiting for the very first convincing answer. A discussion may occur if he is not satisfied enough. However, this is always aimed at reaching the final solution. The chances for such a student to learn the concepts are very good.
We have the students of another kind too. They are the ones who are not aiming at the knowledge. Rather, they look for an opportunity to corner the teacher. Depending upon the teacher, they may succeed or fail. Nevertheless, they hold a preconceived notion towards the topic, irrespective of the answer given. Even if the teacher is a great scholar, there are a bunch of students who are not there to learn but to puzzle the teacher with rather illogical or irrelevant questions. Here, it is more of a war than the urge to understand.
Such a scenario exists at all forums of life. A wise man asks a question only when he needs the answer, only when the answer to the question is going to be a value addition to him as a person. He has given up the ego which comes in between him and the source of knowledge. With his question, he is seeking support with which he can pace up still more on his journey to wisdom. He is a free bird. He has no reason to worry. There is no fear of a defeat.
The other class is from the ones who have locked themselves into a cage. A cage made up of arrogance, ego and hostility. A person of this kind is unable to appreciate wisdom. He cannot give up his ego and realize that he indeed can learn something new from the teacher. Such people do not aim to understand and evaluate the answers. They are there just to find a reason to deny the teachings. Even if they are given the best possible answer, they do not receive it. It adds no value to them. They are closed.
A yogi stays away from the questions of someone who doesn’t require the answer. He may choose to remain quite for such questions, as there is no use sharing the knowledge.
In our lives we do encounter questions or blames for which there is no use answering. If we surrender to the temptations of giving a fierce retaliation, we get nothing but lose our energy. This is what the other person is eagerly waiting for. A wise person takes a calm decision when to speak and whom to speak with.
To get the best answer, one has to be the best seeker.
Inquisitiveness with surrender is sublime. Arrogance is the root cause of ignorance.
You are free to choose!!!

_____ Contribution - Piyush (A Vihangam Yogi), Jhusi Ashram, Allahabad.

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